Your skin and hair can have a significant effect on your confidence and the image you project to others. Smooth, even skin radiates youth, beauty, and health, while dull, discolored, or sagging skin or thinning hair can make you look older than you feel. At Dermatology Specialists, we offer our patients in San Diego and Riverside Counties skin care options to help restore and maintain vibrant, youthful looking skin and hair.

To learn more about the products and services we offer to enhance the appearance of your skin and hair, visit the following pages.

With offices in Murrieta, Temecula, Fallbrook, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and Oceanside, our advanced skin care options are convenient for patients throughout San Diego and Riverside Counties. These procedures are safe, comfortable, and effective, and can achieve dramatic results with less expense and downtime than surgery.

If you would like to find out more about our cosmetic or medical services, click here to request a consultation at Dermatology Specialists, Inc. or call our office nearest you to schedule your appointment.